Saturday, 29 March 2014

Disgusting disregard for our countryside.

As I have mentioned my day job is as a multi drop delivery driver for a North Yorkshire agricultural supply company and in the course of my work I get to see some of the most beautiful countryside in Yorkshire or even in the UK.  I regularly stop for a break in one of two pull off's on the road running through Hovingham woods, on a clear day the view from the cab is well worth looking over.  On Friday I pulled off the road in the first pull off to re-tighten a sheet strap and glanced to my left.  What I saw is in the picture below.

The view is obscured by the mist but what is in full view is the rubbish that has been dumped. Some brainless scum couldn't be bothered to drive to the local tip and in a fit of extreme idleness tipped the unwanted plastic rubbish at the side of the road.  My sympathy for this behaviour is such that I would not hang draw and quarter the offender, if found, I would simply have them put down with the same chemical that is used on dogs as I see no advantage it causing unnecessary suffering, but it is a close thing.  Our countryside deserves better treatment and more respect than is shown by the actions of the scum who did this.  

Saturday, 15 March 2014

Orchard and New Blog

When I started writing this blog I had intended to include the trials and tribulations of my fumbling attempts to establish an orchard in the paddock behind our house.  But after some consideration and some thought on the title of this blog I have decided to start another new blog which will be a record of my mistakes and gradual learning while working with my trees.  So for anyone who wishes to follow my progress or lack of it please check my new blog which can be found at the following address.

Wednesday, 5 March 2014

UK Alone ?

There would appear to be some debate as to whether the UK should leave the EU and go it alone. I suspect this point of view is fermented  by pathetic politicians who assume that they will gain a little extra notice if they are able to parade themselves on a smaller stage.  I wonder if the politicians may possibly be having their egos massaged and polished by other interested parties who are terrified that if the UK joins the EU fully and adopts the Euro they will have one less currency to gamble with and generally distort and mess up.  As any reader may gather from this I am strongly pro EU and our membership of the same.  I believe that being part of Europe and playing our part in the decision making is preferable by far to the way our relationship with the other countries of Europe has been conducted since the time of the Romans and possibly long before.   I remember discussing some problem or other with the owner of an agricultural supply business several years ago and the gentleman in question said that he had hope for a better brighter future and his reasoning was as follows.  "To get here you have travelled from one village, crossed a river bridge, passed through another village and come here.  At one time you may have had to fight the locals in the first village to pass through, pay an exorbitant toll charge to cross the river and possibly get robbed mid river then fight for right of passage through the next village and all before you got here.  Now you are able to get from your home to here with non of these problems.  It has got easier and much safer to travel that small distance, that is progress."
While his example was a little extreme the point he was illustrating was well made, things appear to be improving albeit slowly.  I believe this illustrates clearly why we should remain part of the EU and even integrate with the Euro.  Talking is better and much less wasteful than fighting.  I also hate the idea that if I wish to spend my money in another EU country I have to exchange it for Euros and in doing so have to pay someone for the privilege, thereby enabling me to spend my money in another country. It seems to me that the money traders who facilitate this exchange actually produce nothing of any value, they feed no one, cloth no one and educate no one.  In other words when I exchange money I pay someone for facilitating something that should be unnecessary in a descent world.  Its high time we adopted the Euro, it will be a good start, and could be seen as our first move towards a world currency.  I believe we are better off as part of the EU, not only that but we should be taking a very active part in the decision making.  If we don't take care now we will find ourselves left on the outside begging to be let in.