Thursday, 26 December 2013

The Orchard

It doesn't look much at the moment but I have to start somewhere.  There are nineteen fruit trees planted so far.  The two plum trees we planted in June appear to be well established, they were well watered all summer.  All but one of the other trees were pot grown and should take, if the rabbits from hell haven't done too much damage.  I am waiting for five more plum trees and four more apple trees to be delivered in the new year.  These trees will all be bare root maiden trees and will require initial pruning in the first year.  I have already pruned the apple trees, aided by the rabbits from hell!  I'm looking forward to spring, I'm impatient  to see if and how well the trees establish.  Even if they do set fruit I won't be leaving any on the trees as I would rather they expend all the energy they have establishing themselves.  That is apart from the two plum trees that were planted in June.  If either or both of these trees set any fruit I will thin it but I will leave some on the trees as I am believe both trees have established a good root hold.  Especially the Marjorie's seedling which held onto its leaves well into November.  I know this is a late plum but I was amazed by how long it kept its leaf cover.  
The only addition since mentioning the varieties in an earlier post is a bare root maiden Haganta plum.  The Haganta is the most expensive tree I have bought. I have never eaten or seen any of the fruit from this variety but it is described as one of the latest ripening plums. I'm trying to extend the plum season for as long as possible.  Partly to try to avoid a glut of plums at any one time but mostly because I love plums ripened on the tree and want to be able to pick them for as long as possible.  

This is why I believe that the rabbits in our orchard are from hell.  There is no shortage of grass, there are plenty of small shrubs in the surrounding hedge and there is no snow cover preventing them from feeding.  I wonder if rabbit goes well with apple sauce?
I hope you all have a very good Christmas and a happy and prosperous new year.  

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