Sunday, 29 December 2013

New Year

So the old year wears to an end and the new one is waiting in the wings ready to emerge as we turn our back on the old. I always look forward to starting a new year. I suspect that beneath my jaded and sceptical exterior I am really an optimist, always expecting something good or interesting to appear on the horizon. I suppose that I'm lucky because as I get older I'm less disappointed when it doesn't happen, and I'm more thankful for what I have. But what do I intend to do with this new year that is about to be granted us? Well firstly I will try to avoid making any new year's resolutions. I usually forget any that  I make after the first two weeks. And if I do remember them I find them nagging my conscious and leaving a feeling of guilt when I don't manage to keep them. But what have I just done? I've made a resolution not to make any resolutions! Well as you see that the first one broken and the year hasn't ever begun. So since I'm not able to keep the first one here goes.
1. I intend to complete the two books I have started and have them ready to publish early 2015.
2. I intend to add to this blog at least twice a week.
3. I intend to stop putting used crockery on top of the dishwasher in the hope that someone else will load it. If the dishwasher is full or running I will wash it by hand, rinse it, dry it and put it away.
I think that is enough to be going on with.  Perhaps that's the secret, don't make too many and don't make them too complicated.  I will comment on my success or lack of it as the year gets going.

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