Happy Christmas everyone. Today is the day that reminds everyone why they avoid their relations for the rest of the year. Have a great new year all.
This is a collection of thoughts about life, my surroundings, the English countryside, country life, my orchard and other random subjects that may cross my mind. Also I will comment on my attempts at writing. Non of this is to be taken too seriously.
Thursday, 25 December 2014
Saturday, 22 November 2014
Adverts on TV
Seriously though why shouldn't TV ads be interesting, amusing and or enjoyable. I know different things irritate different people but there's no to make such poor quality ads as the Cilit Bang ad. Its not the only ad that has turned me away from a product. Do other people have the same response and avoid a product if the ad is irritating? I would really like to know what ads others find irritating. Advertisers spend a lot of money on producing their ad and I would have thought that it would be a better idea if people enjoyed the ad. If they could get people talking about it, even better laughing about it it would be remembered. Surely an ad remembered with fondness would sell more product than one that leaves a feeling of complete irritation. If there are any employees of advertising companies reading this please make a little more effort.
Tuesday, 7 October 2014
UK supermarkets.
Monday, 30 June 2014
Sunday, 22 June 2014
The Longest Day
Wednesday, 23 April 2014
Promise of Summer
Tuesday, 8 April 2014
Some Things I Don't Do
My father used to smoke, read a newspaper and drink tea. All three seemed to make him miserable or perhaps he was just normally miserable and these habits didn't help. I suspect that I associate all three activities with being miserable and grumpy so I avoid the first two and only drink tea occasionally. I have never even tried smoking, not even as a teenager and I have no intention of trying now. Spending good money to buy a dried plant leaf then burn it rolled in paper and inhale the smoke seems a rather strange and pointless habit, especially as it can enhance the chances of lung cancer. Yes its a great idea isn't it? As for newspapers, the only use I have ever had for a newspaper is to light the fire and I have found fire lighters work better. Reading a newspaper as a way of keeping up to date with current affairs is a very poor choice, all you get is one persons view of the event and this is always biased to what he or his editor wishes to portray. I get my information on current affairs by not listening or half listening to the radio while I am driving, by not really listening to several different stations throughout the day I get an overall picture from the little that passes into my conscious brain of what is happening. It works for me! As for drinking tea, I do this occasionally, less than once a week. I don't really have anything against tea though I am not sure if I like it best black or white, with or without sugar. But to put it simply I prefer coffee. I don't know that the above behaviour makes me any less miserable than my father but I do hope it does.
Wednesday, 2 April 2014
A Swift, Where?
Saturday, 29 March 2014
Disgusting disregard for our countryside.
Saturday, 15 March 2014
Orchard and New Blog
Wednesday, 5 March 2014
UK Alone ?
While his example was a little extreme the point he was illustrating was well made, things appear to be improving albeit slowly. I believe this illustrates clearly why we should remain part of the EU and even integrate with the Euro. Talking is better and much less wasteful than fighting. I also hate the idea that if I wish to spend my money in another EU country I have to exchange it for Euros and in doing so have to pay someone for the privilege, thereby enabling me to spend my money in another country. It seems to me that the money traders who facilitate this exchange actually produce nothing of any value, they feed no one, cloth no one and educate no one. In other words when I exchange money I pay someone for facilitating something that should be unnecessary in a descent world. Its high time we adopted the Euro, it will be a good start, and could be seen as our first move towards a world currency. I believe we are better off as part of the EU, not only that but we should be taking a very active part in the decision making. If we don't take care now we will find ourselves left on the outside begging to be let in.
Thursday, 27 February 2014
The Mess That Is Windows 8
It's taken me till now to comment on yesterday. Yes it really was that bad, by the time I had diminished and clocked off I was irritable, itchy and tired. I got home took a shower had something to eat and fell asleep In my chair while my wife marked school work. It was ten when I woke and my wife was just packing her work away. At that point I gave up and went to bed, hence no comments about work.
Yesterday I was back to seed dressing, seventeen tonnes at four farms. Not too bad except that the first two were North of Easingwold and the third was in East Yorkshire near Pocklington. At least the final one wasn't far from the third and it was on the way back to base. The first job involved oats as did the last. Oats may be a great food but they are full of itchy dust and the dresser hates them more than I do. Suffice to say they can be problematic. Really all went we'll it just took a long time due to the travelling distances. After a shower, a sleep in my chair and a night's sleep I still felt rough. It took half of the day to feel normal again, but eventually I did come round. See you later.
Tuesday, 25 February 2014
Wind Power
Sunday, 23 February 2014
Tawny owl in distress.
Tuesday, 18 February 2014
Pigs and hares.
Met this pig today, isn't she great? Also saw two hares in a roadside field today. Hares are normally nocturnal but at this time of year they start to move about in daylight. The urge to procreate comes upon them and they suddenly become visible. I do enjoy watching them, I have seen as many as ten chasing each other around and fighting. Two hares stood on their back legs boxing is a very amusing sight. The trouble is that the beasts seem to leave all sense behind at this time of year and become very vulnerable to road kill. The Mistle thrushes are now in full song and are being joined by other birds as the dawn chorus gradually strengthens. I do enjoy spring.
Monday, 10 February 2014
Skylarks and Seed Dressing
Wednesday, 5 February 2014
First Snowdrops
The first Snowdrops, at last they are appearing, it's taken along time this year. Though I don't blame them, the weather is horrible today.
Sunday, 2 February 2014
Ivy Damage
Saturday, 1 February 2014
Ivy and Hedges.
I hope to dig a pond at the top of the orchard, in front of the oak tree in the corner and divert the ditch through the pond, it should attract a lot of wildlife if I do it correctly. We already have a number of frogs living it the orchard and I'm sure they will appreciate my efforts, but that's for the future and first I must get the hedge and ditch in good order. It's dark now but tomorrow I will take some pictures of the ivy and hedge to add to this post so readers will see what I am grumbling about.
Tuesday, 28 January 2014
Big Bang Theory
In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded. How does this make sense? To my simple mind it doesn't, it is impossible and therefore it isn't what happened. So if nothing didn't explode and then expand into the universe we inhabit what did happen? If we accept that our universe did start with an explosion where there was nothing before that's a little more believable. So now we have an explosion occurring where nothing existed before, so far so good. But now we ask what exploded and where did it explode from to appear where there was nothing before? I have no answers, I'm not a scientist, I just don't know. But I wonder what happens to all the matter which is swallowed by a black hole. Yes I know a black hole can grow but can it grow for ever? Can something with a gravitational field so strong that it can rip stars apart and even capture light really remain in a stable state? I have doubts that it is possible for a black hole to remain stable for eternity. I have no foundation whatever for my suspicions but it wouldn't surprise me if, at some time in the future, it was discovered that our universe was spawned by a black hole. A black hole that has reached some type of critical stage and has done what appears impossible and imploded. This idea, to me, is no more stupid than the idea that nothing can explode, and it has the advantage of rounding the circle as I don't believe that anything can appear from nothing. This thought, and that's all it is, a thought, gives no explanation of how such a process could occur or how it could occur or expand into somewhere it isn't. Please could someone explain to me why what I postulate is both impossible and stupid.
Saturday, 25 January 2014
Bank of Scotland (In My View) Very Bad Practice
I am used to using internet banking and am usually happy with the procedure, but today when I attempted to log onto my account I was unable to proceed to my accounts without accepting terms which I feel would lead to my receiving an increase in spam from the bank and others. I was not presented with any way to bypass this option. This means that I am unable to use online banking. When I called the help line they were unable to bypass this option for me and let me have access to my accounts. Why ask me to accept terms that obviously aren't optional. In my view this is extremely bad practice. For the moment I would advise everyone to avoid the Bank of Scotland and as I suspect this is a part of the Lloyd s banking group as is Halifax it might be best to avoid them as well, though I'm not sure if they offer a similar non option.
I am unhappy enough about this to change banks if the situation isn't resolved. The only thing I will say in their favor is that so far the android app on my phone isn't giving this problem.
Has anyone else come across a similar non option which they feel unhappy about accepting?
Did finally, after some insistence, get hold of a very helpful man called Dave who could understand my concern and gave me a some faith that he would pass on my concern. So in the end I am reasonably happy that something will be done about it.
As an add on to the above, I would say that after spending some time on the phone I got through to a gentleman called Dave. He checked that what I said was correct and promised to get back to me. Dave was as good as his word and has just got back to me. Apparently what I was seeing was correct and intended and there is no way round it. I think the Bank of Scotland and possibly Lloyds banking group are being arrogant and stupid, they will offend customers with this attitude. Dave aside I am very unhappy with the situation and if it isn't removed I will change banks as a point of principle
Sunday, 19 January 2014
Writing the sequel.
Saturday, 18 January 2014
Places and Feelings
I made a delivery yesterday to a farm that was hidden at the end of a track in the middle of a small rural village. I have never delivered here before, I couldn't see into the yard from the entrance to the track so I backed down to the first turn, stopped, got out and went for a look. It was only a small delivery so after looking at the first corner I put the goods in my barrow and wheeled them in, this was by far the easiest option. But what I found remarkable was the farm yard. It was one of those places which seem to exude feelings of timelessness and peace. It was as if someone had really loved the place and passed away leaving such a sense of peace and serenity that the feelings soaked into the buildings and land to remain and effect anyone entering the yard. It was the sort of place I could sit content and soak in the atmosphere. Perhaps it was just that it was a good day holding the promise of spring in its gentle sunshine, but I don't think so. I think someone had really lived that place and that's what I could feel. What do you think? Are there places that effect you like that?
Tuesday, 14 January 2014
Sounds of Spring
Sunday, 12 January 2014
A High Walk and More Rabbit Troubles
Friday, 10 January 2014
Lighting up Life for Bats.
Tuesday, 7 January 2014
Colour Vision ?
On my way to school on the bus the next morning I was thinking about the programme and wondering what it would be like to see the world through someone else's eyes. My initial thought was that it would be just as I see the world, as everyone sees the world surely it must. But then I had another thought would things look the same through another's eyes for instance does everyone see the colours the same? Could the colour I see as green be, when seen by someone else, be the colour I would think of as red. After all colour could be all our brains interpretation of what the eyes see and the brain is so complicated that I'm expect everyone has a completely different thought pattern. So if I could see the world through another persons eyes it could might look completely alien. Just imagine what the world would look like with all the colours mixed up. But surely this can't be or can it? I would say yes it is possible and I can think of no way to prove that we all see colours the same. In fact I think it very likely that we all see the world differently. Can anyone correct me and explain how to prove I'm wrong? If so please let me know
Monday, 6 January 2014
The Wonder of Gravity
The trouble is I find everything about our universe fascinating and my understanding is too limited for my fascination, there is so much I will never know or understand. I find that unavoidable fact very sad.
Sunday, 5 January 2014
Writing At Last
Trees and Rabbits Again.
What I have realised is that in five years time we could have a lot of fruit on our hands, at least I hope we will.
While I haven't seen any rabbits I have seen several squirrels. Now I quite like squirrels even if they always win in the race to get to the hazel nuts on the bushes at the top of the paddock. So long as they don't develop a liking for plums, apples or pears we will continue to get along fine.
A problem I might encounter in spring is the bullfinch, for those who don't know these pretty little birds have a large appetite for flower buds. There isn't a large local population, if fact I haven't seen one here. I won't begrudge the birds a snack if they do visit.
All in all I think this first year with the trees should be interesting, I have a lot to learn.
Thursday, 2 January 2014
Longer Life Span
Happy new year to you all.