Tuesday, 28 January 2014

Big Bang Theory

In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded. How does this make sense? To my simple mind it doesn't, it is impossible and therefore it isn't what happened. So if nothing didn't explode and then expand into the universe we inhabit what did happen? If we accept that our universe did start with an explosion where there was nothing before that's a little more believable. So now we have an explosion occurring where nothing existed before, so far so good.  But now we ask what exploded and where did it explode from to appear where there was nothing before? I have no answers, I'm not a scientist, I just don't know. But I wonder what happens to all the matter which is swallowed by a black hole. Yes I know a black hole can grow but can it grow for ever? Can something with a gravitational field so strong that it can rip stars apart and even capture light really remain in a stable state? I have doubts that it is possible for a black hole to remain stable for eternity. I have no foundation whatever for my suspicions but it wouldn't surprise me if, at some time in the future, it was discovered that our universe was spawned by a black hole.  A black hole that has reached some type of critical stage and has done what appears impossible and imploded. This idea, to me, is no more stupid than the idea that nothing can explode, and it has the advantage of rounding the circle as I don't believe that anything can appear from nothing.  This thought, and that's all it is, a thought, gives no explanation of how such a process could occur or how it could occur or expand into somewhere it isn't.  Please could someone explain to me why what I postulate is both impossible and stupid.  

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