Tuesday 29 November 2016

Brexit Again

Though I disagree with the UK leaving the EU a small majority of the country voted to leave.  Though I think many of that small majority were badly misled into casting a vote to leave the vote still stands and , to my mind, the mistake has been made.  The people have spoken and that, not matter what I think, is democracy at work and we must leave.  I believe in democracy more than I believe in the EU and in my view all the challenges to us leaving amount to something akin to treason against the people of the UK.  Even with my  pro European views I believe we must now negotiate our exit with as much speed and as little cost as we can.  But I'm fairly certain that the leave contingent will find that they have to accept something akin to the free movement of labour to get the sort of agreement that the UK needs.  We also need the European workers to fill the jobs that UK residents aren't willing to undertake and yes there are many jobs that fall into that category.  So my suggestion to those behind the legal challenges is STOP you are working against the will of the voting public in the UK.  Your actions are not democratic and go against everything we in the UK aspire to.

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